Why should I offset my emissions?
Offsets give you the opportunity to negate the emissions that cannot be otherwise reduced. It is a way for you to take action now whilst clean energy motorcycle riding options are still being developed.
Where does my money go when I purchase an offset?
When you purchase an offset with Carbonzero, we ensure that your money will be allocated appropriately to the custom portfolio of the 3 projects, unique and specifically designed for Motorcycle Offsetters - https://motorcycleoffsetters.com/our-offset-provider/ . In order for your offset order to be processed, a number of administrative duties are required to process the order. In addition, the specific offset project that you are supporting requires verification/ validation reports to be prepared to ensure that the carbon that is being sold as an offset is subject to accurate quantification. The cost of an offset is inclusive of all elements and costs incurred along the way to bring that offset to market and into a buyers hands.
What if I already pay carbon tax in my country
An investment in carbon offsets via Motorcycle Offsetters is a voluntary contribution which supports specific carbon (and greenhouse gas) offset projects.
A carbon tax, as an indirect tax on fuel, does not provide transparency that the duty levied is ultimately used to reduce CO2 emissions. The revenues from carbon taxes usually go to general budget expenditures, since earmarking tax revenues for specific purposes isn’t allowed in most countries. However, in some countries, carbon tax revenues have been used for health, education, clean energy research and development and conservation initiatives.
What does carbon negative mean?
Going “carbon negative” means that the rider purchases carbon offsets over and above what is needed to neutralise the CO2 footprint arising from his/her motorcycle riding. The incremental cost to the rider to do so is minimal, but the cumulative effect of millions of riders doing so can be astounding.
What is a carbon offset?
A carbon offset is a way to compensate for emissions by funding an equivalent CO2 reduction or saving elsewhere.
How does carbon offsetting work?
In order to offset the emissions that you create, it’s necessary to quantify or measure your carbon footprint. Once you know the amount of CO² you produce, you can purchase a carbon offset. Carbonzero’s Signature Portfolio of carbon offsets is sourced from projects that support entities in reducing their greenhouse gas emissions. All credits from Carbonzero’s Signature Portfolio are additional, quantified, verified by independent third parties and registered on the Canadian Standards Association CleanProjects registry or similar. This ensures that the carbon offset that you purchase is retired on your behalf, not being double counted by other offsetters.
How does my carbon offset purchase achieve emissions reductions?
Carbon offsets are essentially the commodity that is generated by an emissions reduction project that would not have otherwise taken place without carbon financing, and thus achieves the requirement of being “additional” with respect to emissions reductions. With your purchase of carbon offsets, the dollars associated with the transaction ensure the proponent’s project that generates emissions reductions continues to be viable over the project’s lifecycle.
Further, when high quality carbon offset projects are created, there are often a series of social co-benefits in the communities where the offset project is located. Social co-benefits may include education opportunities, air quality improvements, or job creation. The ongoing support and renewal of the carbon offset projects as a result of your purchase not only ensure emissions reductions from the projects continue but also that the social co-benefits associated with the projects remain in place.
For more on carbon offset and CarbonZero click here.